Jumat, 05 November 2010

Talking about Message

According to thefreedictionary.com definition of message is a usually short communication transmitted by words, signals, or other means from one person, station, or group to another.

We can send Message by email, SMS, or Post. Someone usually send a message to inform, telling about their experiemce, to applying for job and others. Nowdays the people send message by electronic like email and SMS 'cause it's more fast than by post.

There's a formal message and unformal message. Writing a formal message is different with writing unformal message. Here below is how to write formal message by email (source : www.ehow.com)

A formal email should be written as if it is a business letter. You should have a clear understanding of to whom it should be addressed to and how you plan to communicate your clear intentions throughout the email correspondence. The following are the list of steps for writing a formal email.

1. Begin with the full name, tittle, business and email address of the person to whom you are wrtiting
2. Write the actual message in a clear and concise manner. Dont forget to check for spelling and grammatical errors once you completed the message.
3. Check the message to make sure you included and justified all the reasons you are witing the email.
4. Fill out the To and From fields in the email.
5. Pick a subject that will draw the attention of the reader. Do not pick a random subject that has nothing to do with the reasons that you are emailing the person. This also makes it easier for the person to search four your email if you call them in reference to your email.

Tips and Warnings

Identify yourself in a personal manner throughout the email. Do not use any abbreviations always thank the person for the their time and consideration at the end of the e-mail.

Don't send attachments . The worst thing you can do is send an unsuspected virus to the recipient of the email. Don't send inflammatory remarks. Don't write the email while you are angry.

Kamis, 23 September 2010

Telephone Message

Hi everybody!! Now, I want to share you about Telephone message. Do you know what the Telephone Message is? How to write a Telephone Message? How to take a telephone messages and leaving a message? Here the answer from some sources I take.

According to thefreedictionary.com Definition of Telephone Message is a message transmitted by telephone.

Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

My Point of View

As we know that Information Technology is very important in this era. It’s role is very important like give information. Everything is easy. Communication felt so close and quick. We can also make many creativities from it. It makes me interested to learn it. Ya… Information technology subject is one of my favorite subjects. So I want to learn it more about it. What else many companies have required employees who has a good skill in computer. That’s why I choose Multimedia Department.

Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

Edit photo

Healing brush tool is one of tools in photoshop. it usually used to improve a damaged image. Well... we will edit photo with healing brush and clone stamp.

1. Open adobe photoshop.
2. Click File-open

3. Choose the picture who will you edit and then clik open.

Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

Question Tags and Comparing things

Questions Tags

Questions Tags are a short question added to the end of a positive or negative statement. They are used to verify or check information that we think is true or to check information that we aren’t sure is true. Sometimes we just use them for effect, when we are trying to be sarcastic, or to make a strong point. So be sure to use them with care.

To make sentence of question tag :



Imperatives are verbs used to give orders, commands, warning or instructions. You can also make a request but you should add a polite words “please”. It’s one of three moods of an English verb.

To make the imperative, use the infinitive of the verb without “to”

For example : Come here!

To make a negative imperative, put “do not” or “don’t” before the verb :

For example :

- Don’t go away!

- Do not wall on the grass!

You can also use “let’s” before the verb if you are including yourself in the imperative. The negative of “let’s” is “let’s not”.

For example :

- Let’s stop now!

- Let’s not tell her about it!



A suffix is an affix that is added to the end of a word that conditions its usage or meaning.

The following are the suffixes to form noun : -ance, -ancy, -ence, -ation, -ian, -ism, -ist, -ment, -ness, -ship, -or, -er, etc.

For example :


- maintaice

- mechanism

- nation

How to make Facebook, Twitter, Plurk, Hi5

I will show you how to make Facebook, twitter, plurk and hi5.


1. Jalankan internet dan masuk ke www.facebook.com
Run the internet and go to www.facebook.co

2. Maka akan muncul halaman seperti di bawah ini.
Then it will appears like page below.

Selasa, 06 April 2010

Minggu, 04 April 2010

Email2 (Gmail)


1. Jalankan internet dan masuk ke www.gmail.com
Run internet and go to www.g

2. Jendela gmail akan tampil lalu klik Creat an Account.
Gmail page will appears and then click Creat an Account.

Isi data-data sesuai yang diminta. Tak jauh beda dengan Yahoo hanya saja pada kolom Desired Login Name itu sama seperti Yahoo!ID and Email di Yahoo.
Fill the columns accord with requested. Not much different with Yahoo, just only at the column of Desired Login Name same as like Yahoo!ID and Email in Yahoo.

4. Ketik kode sesuai yang ditampilkan.
Type the code accord with shown.

5. Kemudian klik I accept Creat my account.
Then click I accept Creat my account

6. Maka akan muncul halaman seperti gambar di bawah ini lalu klik Show me my account.
Then it will appears page like picture below and then click Show me my account.

7. Maka akan tampil halaman gmail mail seperti dibawah ini.
Then, it will appears gmail mail page like picture below.

How to make Blog


Blog ?? Apa itu?? Menurutku, blog adalah sebuah situs pribadi. Penggunanya biasanya disebut blogger dan aktivitas para blogger untuk meng-update blog mereka disebut blogging. Di blog kamu dapat berbagi tentang apa aja yang kamu suka. Dan…bagaimana cara membuatnya??

Blog ?? what’s that?? According to me, Blog is a personal archaeological site. The user usually called blogger and the bloggers’ activities to update their blogs called blogging. In the blog you can share about anything you like. And… how to make it??

1. Jalankan internet dan masuk ke www.blogspot.com atau www.blogger.com
Run the internet and go to www.blogspot.com or www.blogger.com

2. Maka akan mucul tampilan seperti di bawah ini. Kemudian Klik Buat Blog.
Then it will appears like picture below. Then Click Buat Blog.

3. Maka akan mucul tampilan seperti di bawah ini. Isi data sesuai yang diminta.
Then it will appears page like picture below. Complete the columns appropiate that be asked.

4. Jangan lupa ketik kode sesuai yang ditampilkan dan beri tanda centang pada kotak Penerimaan persyaratan dengan cara klik tepat pada kotak tersebut.
Don’t forget to type the appropriate code shown and give mark at the Penerimaan Persyaratan’s box. Click exactly at the box.

5. Kemudian Klik Lanjutkan (lihat gambar di atas)
Then Click Lanjutkan (Look at the picture above)

6. Ketik Judul blog dan alamat blog kamu di kolom yang sudah disediakan.
Type your title blog and address blog in the columns that have provided.

7. Klik Lanjutkan
Click Lanjutkan

8. Maka akan muncul tampilan seperti di bawah ini. Pilih dan klik salah satu template sesuai yang kamu inginkan lalu klik Lanjutkan.
Then it will appears page like below. Choose and Click one of the templates appropriate you want and then click Lanjutkan.

9. Teettereteteeeeeeettttttt!!! Selamat… blog kamu sudah jadi dan untuk memulai blogging, klik Mulai Blogging.
Teettereteteeeeeeettttttt!!! Congratulation… your blog has finished and to begin blogging, click Mulai Blogging.

10. Setelah kamu klik mulai blogging akan muncul halaman seperti gambar di bawah ini. Ketik judul entri kamu di kolom judul dan ketik isi entri di kolom bawahnya. Kemudian klik terbitkan entri.
After you click Mulai Blogging, it will appears page like picture below. Type your title entri in the column of Judul and type your entri in the column lower. Then click Terbitkan Entri.

For example..

11. Dan... Jrengjreng...!!
And... Jrengjreng...!!

Minggu, 14 Februari 2010

Email1 (Yahoo)

Hi guys…!! If you are new comers in the internet and you haven’t made account e-mail, I’ll show you how to make it. Email or electronic mail is one of internet applications as medium of communication that be sent via internet, so you don’t need to buy a stamp. Of course. Not only send letters or documents but also send photos, greeting cards and others (electronic data). Beside that,the dispatch is faster than via post. But the sender and the receiver should register as a user in one of website provider services of email like Yahoo (www.yahoo.com), gmail (www.gmail.com) and others. Okay... here I will show you how to make email account.


1. Jalankan internet dan masuk ke www.yahoo.com
Run the internet and go to www.yahoo.com

2. Jendela yahoo akan tampil lalu klik sign up.
Yahoo page will be shown and then click sign up.

3. Isi :

*informasi pribadimu (Nama depanmu, nama belakangmu, jenis kelamin, tanggal lahir, negara, dan kode pos)

untuk memilih ID dan kata sandi, pada
*Yahoo!ID and Email, ketik alamat email-mu;
*Password, ketik kata sandimu;
*Re-type password, ketik ulang kata sandimu.

Pada kolom "Jika kamu lupa kata sandi atau ID-mu", pada
*alternate email, ketik alternatif email-mu;
*secret question, pilih pertanyaan keamanan;
*your answer, ketik jawaban sesuai dengan pertanyaan yang kamu pilih.
fill :
*your personal information (First name, last name, gender, the date of your birthday, country, and postal code)

to select your ID or password,
*at the Yahoo!ID and Email, type your email address;
*password, type your password

At the column In case you forget your ID or password",
*at the alternate email, type your alternate email;
*secret qustion, choose one of the qustions
*your answer, type your answer from the question that you've chosen

5. Ketik kode sesuai yang ditampilkan. Kemudian klik Creat My Account.
Type the appropiate code shown and then click Creat My Account.

6. Maka akan tampil seperti di bawah ini. Klik Continue untuk ke halaman yahoo mail atau ke profil yahoo kamu.
Then, it will appears like page below. Click Continue to go to yahoo mail or to your profil yahoo.

untuk masuk ke yahoo mail, klik Yahoo mail
to go to your mail, click yahoo mail

Jika kamu ingin masuk ke profilmu, klik nama user kamu di sebelah kanan atas. Maka akan tampil halaman seperti di bawah ini.

if you want to go to your profil, click your user name at the top right. so it will show the page like picture below.

Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

my sweet cats

Saat-Saat Indah
Bersama Kucing-Kucingku Tercinta

Cipluk adalah kucing pertama yang kumiliki. Dia ditemukan oleh teman adikku, karena dia dilarang ibunya untuk memeliharanya akhirnya kami pun memeliharanya. Ketika itu dia masih bayi, wajahnya sangat mungil, bulunya putih dan sangat lucu. Karena kami tidak mempunyai rumah untuknya, kami meletakkannya di dalam bak. Agar dia tidak digigit nyamuk, kami menutupinya dengan karung. Sebenarnya kasihan juga karena pasti kepanasan.

Cipluk mulai belajar berjalan. Dia mencoba berdiri tetapi terjatuh. Berdiri dan terjatuh lagi dan seterusnya. Dua hari kemudian cipluk mulai lancar. Dia mulai berlari kesana-kemari. Cipluk mulai tertarik dengan benda-benda yang bergerak. Aku lalu mengajaknya bermain. Ku gerakkan jari telunjukku di depannya dan cipluk mulai mencoba menangkap tanganku lalu menggigitnya. Geli sekali rasanya. Hihihi…:)

Di saat aku sendiri, cipluk menemaniku. Ada saja yang dilakukannya. Memainkan apa saja yang ada di sekitarnya. Kadang-kadang dia mengajakku bermain dengan menggerak-gerakkan tanganku atau menggigitnya. Kalau dia berada di luar sendirian, dia menggaruk-garuk pintu kamarku minta masuk ke dalam kamar. Saat itu kubukakan pintu. Bila aku mau tidur, dia juga ikut tidur di sampingku. Pernah saat aku tidur pakai selimut, tiba-tiba ada sesuatu yang masuk. Aku pun langsung terbangun. Saat ku buka selimutku ternyata cipluk juga ingin tidur pakai selimut. Hahaha…. Dan bila aku sedang belajar, dia bermain dengan stipoku. Terkadang dia duduk di buku yang sedang ku tulis. Kalau tidak begitu ya dia bermain dengan ujung pena yang sedang kupegang. Haha.. :-D

Cipluk sangat perhatian. Dia mengerti kalau aku sedang ketakutan. Saat itu aku mau ke kamar mandi tetapi takut. Dengan takut-takut aku pun menuju ke kamar mandi dan tanpa kuduga cipluk mengikutiku sampai di depan kamar mandi. Dia juga tak berpindah tempat sampai aku keluar dari kamar mandi. Ouh… kucing yang manis. Aku lalu menggendongnya, Cipluk juga pernah mengantarkan aku ke Mushollah sampai-sampai ingin ikut shalat juga. Bingung sekali waktu itu aku. Aku sudah wudlu. Haduh… cipluk mau masuk mushollah. Disuruh pulang nggak mau. Ckckck.
Badan cipluk mulai bau, aku dan adikku lalu memandikannya. Tangan kami dicakar-cakarinya. Tapi kami tak pantang menyerah. Begitu selesai kami menghangatkannya di bawah sinar matahari. Di saat liburan, aku dan adikku mengajaknya bersepedaan.

Suatu hari cipluk mengeong-ngeong keras sekali di bawah tanaman tetanggaku. Teman-temanku lalu memanggilku. Aku langsung menghampiri cipluk terlihat wajahnya bahwa dirinya sedang butuh pertolongongan. Saat ku pegang cipluk semakin keras mengeongnya. Ternyata kakinya berdarah sampai kukunya patah. Cipluk yang malang siapa yang telah melukaimu? Ku bawa cipluk pulang ke rumah. Sampai rumah aku dan ibuku mengobatinya. Cipluk mengeong-ngeong kesakitan. Hikz..hikz…:(

Di lain hari cipluk pernah hilang selama tiga hari karena main terlalu jauh sampai-sampai tidak tahu arah pulang lagi. Aku menemukannya ketika aku mau membeli alat tulis. Di depan sebuah rumah ada seorang anak kecil dan ada seekor kucing kecil yang sangat mirip dengannya. Karena ternyata kucing itu bukan miliknya dan ciri-cirinya pun begitu mirip dengan cipluk aku lalu membawanya pulang tanpa ada keraguan sedikitpun.

Cipluk mulai besar. Di pagi hari aku dan ibuku mengajaknya jalan-jalan pagi. Cipluk juga mempunyai anak-anak. Mereka adalah Mungil, Unyil (Garong), Mutmut, Belang putih, belang ireng, Garong cilik, dan si Putih.

Beautiful Moments together my beloved cats

Cipluk was my first cat that I had. She was found of my younger sister,s friend, because she was forbidden by her mother to take care her, so we took care of it. She was still baby at the time, her face was so cute, her feather was white and very funny. Because we didn’t have place for her so we put her in big bucket. In order she was not bitten by the mosquito, we closed it with sack. Actually she was a pity because she would feel hot.

Cipluk began to study walking. She tried to stand but fell down. Tried to stand and fell down again and so on. Two days later Cipluk began to walked faster. She began to run in around. Ciplus began to be interested with move goods. Then I invited her to play. I gesticulat my index finger in front of her and Cipluk began to try to catch my hand and then she bit it. It felt so amused. Hihihi…:)

When I was alone, Cipluk accompanied me. There always something she did for playing. She did playing whatever was around her. Sometimes she invited me to play. She gesticulate my hand or bite it. If she was out alone, she scratched my door room to ask enter my room. At the same time, I opened the door. If I would go to sleep, She would sleep beside me too. One day I slept with quilt, suddenly there was something enter automatically I woke up. When I opened my quilt turn out apparently Cipluk wanted to sleep with quilt. Hahaha…:). And if I was studying, she did playing my correction pen. Sometimes she sit on the my book whom I wrote. If not she did playing the point of my pen whom I was holding. Haha.. :-D

Cipluk was very care. She understood if I was scare. One day I would go to bathroom but I was scare. I went to bathroom fearfully and unexpectedly Cipluk followed me until in front of the bathroom. She also didn’t move her position until I went out from the bathroom. Ouh… so sweet. Then I carried her. Cipluk also ever accompanied me to go to Mushollah until she also wanted to pray. I was so confused because I have had a wudlu. Oh no… Cipluk would enter to Mushollah. I ordered her to go home but she was ignore me. Ckckck.

The body odour’s Cipluk was bad odour, then I and my younger sister washed her. Our hand was scratched out by her. But we were not to yield an inch. After finished we made her to be warm in the sun. In the holiday, I and my younger sister invited her to ride a bike.

One day Cipluk meow so hard in the plants of my neighbor. Then my friends called me. At the same time I came to Cipluk. From her face she needed for help. When I hold Cipluk, she more meow. Well She did it because her leg was blood until her fingernail broke. What a pity Cipluk who has hurt you? I brought her to go home. Arrived at home I and my mother treated her. Cipluk was meow dreadfully ill. Hikz..hikz…:(

In the other day Cipluk has ever lost for three days because she played more far till she didn’t know the way to go home. I found her when I would go to buy pencil and eraser. In front of a house there was a boy and a cat as like as Cipluk. Because the cat was not his and the characters as like as Cipluk so I brought her to go home without doubt.

Cipluk more big. In the morning day I and my mother invited her to walk around my home. Oh yeah Cipluk had kittens. They were Mungil, Unyil (Garong), Mutmut, Belang putih, belang ireng, Garong cilik, and si Putih.

One Day


Selamat tahun baru 2010…!!! Di awal tahun ini ada sebuah pengalaman yang tak biasanya. Sore hari, aku dan saudaraku mengedit fotonya. Card reader yang ku punya sedang bermasalah. Aku lalu mengatakannya pada ayahku. Saat itu juga ayahku mengajak kami keluar untuk membeli card reader sambil jalan-jalan.